Often the key to great food is the seasoning, sauces and dressings, where balance is the aim of the game. Balancing acidity, piquancy, fruitiness and smoothness can be tricky but we've compiled a list of our favourite dressing combinations to fall back on when we're in a salad rut! Using quality oils and vinegars and playing around with different flavours, whether it's raspberry, harissa, pomegranate or paprika, some delicious pairings can emerge...
Pons Clementine extra virgin olive oil with - use to lighten up a winter roasted vegetable salad. Experiment with adding for crunch or seared for depth of flavour.
with and - a spicy, Spanish style combination. Use to reinvent the humble potato salad!
with - a simple and versatile combination of Italian staples. Drizzle over tomatoes at the peak of their season or use to dress nutty grains such as
- are ready to go straight from the bottle! Select from Classic French, Italian Balsamic or Smoky Spanish.