Lemon Curd Tiramisu
Step into summer with a refreshing treat! This brilliant Lemon Curd Tiramisu recipe by Julie Le Clerc is a delightful symphony of vibrant flavours and exquisite textures, making it the ultimate dessert...
Step into summer with a refreshing treat! This brilliant Lemon Curd Tiramisu recipe by Julie Le Clerc is a delightful symphony of vibrant flavours and exquisite textures, making it the ultimate dessert...
Nothing captures the essence of summer like Mandarin-infused Olive Oil Ice Cream! Light, creamy, and refreshing, this dessert is vibrant and makes the perfect treat to cool off after a...
Phil’s father, Trevor Dixon, loved a really good fruit pudding and was delighted with this version that Julie Le Clerc created as a variation of his recipe. This fabulous combination...
This Spanish rice pudding offers a rich, creamy texture with a delightful balance of sweet and aromatic flavours. Finished with a drizzle of vincotto, the pudding has depth, making each bite...
Calling all chocolate lovers! Indulge in this rich and decadent dessert by Julie Le Clerc, crafted with the finest Valrhona chocolate and cocoa powder. This luxurious treat is guaranteed to...
This decadent and delightfully rich Julie Le Clerc dessert could be just what you are looking for when there is a special occasion to celebrate. This fabulous combination of luxurious...
Light and crispy pastry filled with a delicious smooth and fluffy dulcey namelaka, a wonderful desert or afternoon pick me up!
Like a cross between whipped ganache and pastry cream, Namalaka means smooth and creamy in Japanese, as this dreamy mixture was invented by L’ecole Varhona in Tokyo. Use your favourite...
Indulge in this decadent, wonderfully presented chocolate polenta cake with a smooth coffee mascarpone on top. The perfect cake for celebration or feeing a crowd!
Stone fruit is here to shine in this delicate dessert from Julie Le Clerc. Use your favourite variety of Ines Rosales tortas as the base, then top with Valrhona Ivoire...
A glorious polenta-based cake layered with lemon curd and finished with torched meringue frosting, fitting for the grandest celebrations. Serve with a glass of Sichel Sauternes and enjoy!
If you're looking for a luxurious and totally decadent dessert, you can’t beat Julie Le Clerc's chocolate cream crumble tart, showcasing Valrhona Manjari chocolate fèves, Valrhona cocoa powder and Valrhona...
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